Take these small and easy steps to make your home look good. You’ll love how it feels! Then, let the momentum carry you to try larger organizing projects.

Make your bed — first thing — every day. Start your day on the right foot, and you’re sure to continue putting things in their proper spots all day.
Clean your kitchen sink. Sprinkle baking soda and lemon juice, and scrub with a damp sponge or cloth. Rinse and dry. Polish the faucet to a shine. Now, throughout the day, immediately put dirty dishes in the dishwasher or wash them by hand so you can continue to admire your sparkly sink!
Assess your cups and bowls. How many mugs and cups do you really need? Pull them all out of the cupboard, pick your top 20, and donate the rest. You’ll never miss them. Do the same with your Tupperware. Match the lids with bottoms and toss anything missing its mate.
Create an errand box. Put a crate or basket by the front door. Deposit into it anything needing to go out. You can add items that need to be returned to stores, library books and movies ready for return, and borrowed items that need to find their rightful owners. Take the box with you each morning and see what you can get rid of that day.
Give your purse or bag a makeover. Dump everything out, and toss expired coupons, old receipts, scraps of paper, and used tissues. Then, use a small see-through pouch or zip-top bag to hold personal items (lip balm, comb, bandages, dental floss, etc.) Keep an envelope for current coupons and receipts. And keep your wallet, check- book, and keys in a handy, easy-to-reach spot.
Give these quick and easy tips a try today!