find the perfect company name
Your company name has a big job to do. It has to help prospective clients find you, whether via phone directory, internet, or word of mouth. It should succinctly tell prospects what you do. It will create a first impression and an image for your company. And it must stand out in a sea of other professional organizing companies. That’s a lot to ask from a little name, isn’t it?
Luckily, the perfect company name is just waiting for you to discover it, with help from Time to Organize! Our naming process will help you come up with a name that:
- is easy to pronounce, spell, and remember
- considers your preferred advertising methods
- allows your choice client to easily find you
- is unique and available
- works in conjunction with your logo
- creates a professional and accurate image of your company
Best of all, this process is very affordable!
the perfect name/full-service
You’ll receive:
- an initial phone consultation to determine your business focus and choice clientele, plus initial name brainstorming
- a list of 10-15 possible company names
- a second phone consultation to discuss your favorites and pros and cons
- a final list of 2-5 top contenders, which have been checked for U.S. availability
- your final company name!
Please inquire for pricing.
the perfect name/quick-advice
Also available: Quick-Advice Naming Services. For $99, you can bring your name ideas, and I’ll discuss the pros and cons and give you my top pick. We’ll “meet” via phone and/or e-mail. I’ll also show you how to check to make sure your top name is unique and available.
check out some of our company naming work
Island Life Organizer:
My life has been greatly enriched by working with Sara. Together, we’ve created my new company, including a company concept, name, logo, brochure, business cards, and a fabulous website. She appreciates quality and details, and she values the time and energy it takes to create something really beautiful. She goes the extra mile to get the job done. Working with her is a true investment for your business.
— Ashley Upton Mendes, Island Life Organizer, Nantucket, MA
Stylish Spaces Redecorating:
Sara is remarkable. She smartly and quickly created the perfect name for my decorating business. I just love it! She’s a wonderful writer. I trust and rely on her talent completely. Sara does it all and quite well — brochure writing, website copy, and project management. She is indeed a marketing fairy! Her marketing magic had done wonders for my business! And, she is such a pleasure to work with — talented, always pleasant and kind, efficient, and understanding.
— Rose Napoli, Stylish Spaces Redecorating, Hoboken, NJ